
MetaVision is a non-commercial research project intended to make machine vision simpler and more effective.

Machine vision as a wide set of different methods and technologies have become very important in many fields. Image segmentation is quite an important subset, providing extremely valuable insights.

Detailed segmentation

Data set preparation and data labelling will require a proper tool with a comprehensive user interface to manually define bounding boxes or segments around specific areas. This process will require additional resources and a huge amount of time.

Detailed segmentation

Publically available datasets usually do not provide the required accuracy, diversity and variance. Those datasets can be used to validate or refine custom datasets, but do not provide a significant value unless they are created in a focused and granular way.

MetaVision solves the problem using specialized processing pipelines and 4K/8K input streams.

©   MetaVision — 4K/8K video stream segmentation